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Need help with your water, wastewater, account or bill? You've come to the right place.
We provide various building and development services to help you complete your project and get you connected to the network.
Help and resources
We provide a range of commercial services across our region. You can learn more and enquire about them here.
Useful Commercial links
Here you can access all the information you need about our retailer commitment, our policies and more.
Useful Retailer Links
Here you'll find all the latest information on what's happening in our region including our current Pathfinder projects.
Useful Region Links
Need help with your water, wastewater, account or bill? You've come to the right place.
We provide various building and development services to help you complete your project and get you connected to the network.
Help and resources
We provide a range of commercial services across our region. You can learn more and enquire about them here.
Useful Commercial links
Here you can access all the information you need about our retailer commitment, our policies and more.
Useful Retailer Links
Here you'll find all the latest information on what's happening in our region including our current Pathfinder projects.
Useful Region Links
Here you can learn more about us and our ambitions and the people, organisations and policies that underpin our business.
Find out what's happening in your area,
reported incidents and planned works.
If you need to request a diversion or change to one of our sewer mains, you'll need to apply for a sewer main diversion online.
Where there is a sewer main affecting your planned development, you may need to divert the main. We can assess your proposal and comment on the design options through a sewer main diversion.
You can either carry out a Southern Water or developer-led sewer main diversion. The legal and financial arrangements will differ depending upon who is carrying out the work.
The apparatus to be diverted is categorised as non-critical
The route of the sewer diversion remains entirely within the boundary of your land
The route of the diverted sewer passes through third-party land
The sewer being diverted is a critical sewer (this includes all rising mains), or there are specific operational requirements
This includes pipes described as asbestos cement (AC) and fibre-reinforced cement (FRC)
Before you apply, please read our Developer Sewer Main Diversion Guidance Notes. These will take you through the process, including:
Fill in our online form through GetConnected and pay your application fee. We’ll review your application within five days and confirm whether the documentation is complete or if we need more information.
We’ll review your application and send our decision or request further information within 28 days. When the proposal meets our standards, we will provide you with the compliance letter. This will include our estimate of the cost of adoption and any required fees.
Once you're ready to accept, you should make payment for the fees set out in your compliance letter.
We’ll arrange for a legal agreement to be created and signed before the work begins.
Our team will also find a suitable time to carry out a commissioning inspection.
Once construction has started, contact us and request an inspection. When you've completed the sewer construction, you'll also need to request a sewer adoption maintenance inspection.
This inspection will confirm that the works are suitable to be placed on ‘12 months maintenance’ and we’ll issue a provisional certificate.
Three months before the end of your maintenance period, you can request a final inspection of the adaptable system. Once we're satisfied all remedial work is completed, we’ll issue the final certificate.
The legal vesting of the sewers will happen soon after.
The following step-by-step guide is for when you've decided that we'll carry out the work. You can apply for this using our GetConnected portal.
Before applying, please read our Southern Water Sewer Main Diversion Guidance Notes. This will take you through the process, including:
Fill in our online form and pay your application and design fees. We’ll review your application within five days and confirm that the documentation is complete or if we need further information.
Within 12 weeks, we'll assess the initial feasibility, create an outline design and send you a preliminary budget estimate offer for the work.
If the design is straightforward, a budget estimate may not be required. We'll let you know if this is the case and provide you with a detailed design offer in the first instance.
Once you are ready to accept the offer and pay the fee to progress to detailed design, you'll need to do the following:
Once you have completed this and paid, we will assign a Project Manager as your point of contact for the next steps in the process.
Once we've agreed on the budget estimate design and you have paid the detailed design fee, we'll pass the site onto our Project Delivery team. Your assigned Project Manager will confirm the final delivery route before scheduling any construction works.
Our Project Delivery team will confirm a start date, schedule and completion date for the onsite work with you.
After construction is complete, we’ll update our maps with the diverted route.
If you need to request a change, diversion, or removal of one of our water mains you will need to apply for a water main diversion.
We're here to help if you have any other questions. Please fill out this form in as much detail as possible to help us answer your query.
If you're building a house extension, a new home or a commercial building, or simply making changes to your existing drainage, you may need a new wastewater connection to our sewer network.
Learn more about why you should consider any nearby sewers while you're planning your project, and how to submit a build over application.
If you are building drainage to our existing sewers or want to upgrade existing properties, you can apply for us to construct a new sewer main.