Our Services
If you're currently planning a project, whether that's a home extension or a brand-new development, we're here to help you get connected. You can access all the services we offer below.
How can we help you?
Planning your development
Here, you can learn more about the services we offer when you're planning water and wastewater solutions for your development.
Apply for a water connection
Here you can learn more about the services we offer to help you get connected to our water network.
Apply for a wastewater connection
Here you can learn more about the services we offer to help you get connected to our wastewater network.
New Appointment and Variations (NAV)
NAVs are companies that replace another water company as the appointee for an area.
Self-lay schemes
When it comes to new water mains for your development, we can lay them or you can use a self-lay provider (SLP).
Maps and Searches
We can provide sewer and water maps and searches to help you locate public pipework close to your development.