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Pre-Planning Enquiries

If you’re planning to connect to our network, let us know about your development plans before you apply for planning permission, so we can make sure our network has capacity and guide you through the next steps.


Wastewater and pre-planning enquiries

Our optional pre-planning enquiry form helps developers understand the impact their proposal will have on our sewerage network prior to land acquisition or the submission of a planning application. 

It’s a simple check that will identify whether the required capacity for wastewater is available adjacent to or close to the proposed development. The results of the pre-planning enquiry are for information only and are not an approval or rejection of plans and shouldn’t be used as a basis for design.

The assessments are only of the piped networks upstream of the Wastewater Treatment Works and surface water outfalls. If there is a lack of capacity, we’ll let you know the nearest point where capacity is available. If this alternative point is not suitable, we’ll provide network reinforcement subject to the new connections charging rules which now apply, as directed by Ofwat.

Please read our wastewater pre-planning enquiry guidance notes for more information.

Water pre-planning enquiries

In the same way as wastewater, our water pre-planning enquiry form checks the capacity of our network to identify any potential issues early on. This can help developers in understand the potential costs and timescales involved in servicing a site prior to land acquisition or the submission of a planning application.

Please read through our guidance notes to make sure you have everything you need before submitting your Pre-planning applications.


  • Pre-planning enquiry capacity check

    This is a simple check that will identify whether the required capacity is available adjacent to or close to the proposed development. 

  • Point of connection enquiry

    In addition to identifying the nearest point of capacity, (as per the pre-planning enquiry) this service will identify a point of connection and undertake an indicative hydraulic assessment for servicing the site. 

  • The surface water is being considered for discharge to our network.

    The below hierarchy should be followed for surface water which is reflected in part H3 of the Building Regulations. While reuse does not strictly form part of this hierarchy, we would encourage the consideration of reuse for new developments.

You won't need to apply if:

  • There are no additional flows

    (i.e. off-setting pre-existing flows from a development site).

  • There are ten properties or less for a proposed foul-only connection

    Unless otherwise requested from the Local Planning Authority.

Surface Water Consideration


Water Reuse

Explore installing rain harvesting solutions. These can reduce the demand on the water supply and the quantity of runoff discharged to the sewer.


Infiltration into local ground

Drain your surface water via soakaways or infiltration basins. You will need approval from building control at your local council to install these which can be requested in your planning application.


Drain surface water into a watercourse

If there is a surface water body, such as a stream, river, canal, or channel, please drain the surface water that way. You may need to obtain a consent to discharge from the Environmental Agency or local council


Council or privately owned drainage systems

These systems may be owned by your local council or privately and can include drainage such as culverted watercourses, highway drains, district council surface water or private networks. You will need to obtain separate approval from the Environment Agency or local council for these.


Your enquiry

In some cases, the enquiry cannot be completed due to incomplete or insufficient records. In this instance, we may ask you to provide surveys of drainage in the area at your expense. Should lack of capacity be identified, we’ll let you know of the nearest point at which capacity is available.

Frequently asked questions 

Here you can find answers to some commonly asked questions about the services we offer and timescales of the application process around your development plans. 

Our approach to modelling the impact of a new development on the public sewer network is set out in Foul Sewerage Modelling Criteria. The criteria used in this document is based on national guidance, industry best practice and direct evidence (e.g. metered flows) and reasonable assumptions of demand over the long-term. Modelled flow rates are based on the information we receive, and we are always willing to revise our modelling based on more detailed information provided. This is particularly relevant to developments containing commercial or industrial properties, where anticipated flow rates can be highly variable. Where this is the case, we urge developers to provide us with a schedule of fixtures and fittings at the earliest opportunity so that we can model demand as accurately as possible.

We’ll acknowledge receipt of your enquiry within five calendar days of receipt, following up with a written reply within 21 calendar days. We’ll let you know if there is delay and discuss your application further.