Drainage and water searches
When you need to locate pipework or access information about it, we can provide both commercial and residential drainage and water searches.
CON29DW Residential
The CON29DW residential is normally available in five working days, but a four-hour swift drainage and water search service is also available. This search can provide this information:
- Copy of an extract from the public sewer map
- Copy of an extract from the public map of waterworks
- Connection status to the public sewer for foul water drainage
- Connection status to the public sewer for surface water drainage
- Surface water drainage charging
- Public sewers within the boundaries of the property
- Public pumping station within the boundaries of the property
- Public sewers within 30.48 metres (100 feet) of the building
- Public pumping station within 50 metres of the building
- Details relating to adoption agreements
- Existence of any build over agreement relating to or close to the property
- Risk of internal flooding due to overloaded public sewers
- Proximity to the nearest public sewage treatment works
- Connection status to the public water supply
- Public water mains within the boundaries of the property
- Details relating to adoption agreements
- Risk of receiving low water pressure or flow
- Water hardness classification of the water supply
- Water meter details
- Details of the sewerage undertaker
- Details of the water undertaker
- Who bills the property for sewerage services
- Who bills the property for water services
- Current basis for charging
- Basis for charging on change of occupation
CommercialDW search
This search contains 24 questions, from sewerage and water asset information to sewer flooding history and connection status. The search is normally available in five working days, but we also have a four-hour swift drainage and water search service available.
The search provides the following important information on premises classified as ‘non-household’:
- Copy of an extract from the public sewer map
- Copy of an extract from the public map of waterworks
- Connection status to the public sewer for foul water drainage
- Connection status to the public sewer for surface water drainage
- Surface water drainage charging
- Public sewers within the boundaries of the property
- Public pumping station within the boundaries of the property
- Public sewers within 30.48 metres (100 feet) of the building
- Public pumping station within 50 metres of the building
- Details relating to adoption agreements
- Existence of any build over agreement relating to or close to the property
- Risk of internal flooding due to overloaded public sewers
- Proximity to the nearest public sewage treatment works
- Connection status to the public water supply
- Public water mains within the boundaries of the property
- Details relating to adoption agreements
- Risk of receiving low water pressure or flow
- Water hardness classification of the water supply
- Water meter details
- Details of the sewerage undertaker
- Details of the water undertaker
- How to find out who bills the property for sewerage services
- How to find out who bills the property for water services
- Southern Water trade effluent consents held by the current owners of the property
Helpful downloads
Drainage and water enquiry for Commercial & Residential
Drainage and water enquiry CON29DW Commercial sample
Drainage and water enquiry CON29DW Residential sample
Showing 2 out of 2

Cancellation policy
As soon as you realise your search is no longer required, please let us know by emailing LandSearch at searches@southernwater.co.uk.
If the drainage and water search is awaiting completion or is currently in progress, we won't charge the usual fee. If applicable, we will issue a refund.
If the search is already complete and has been dispatched, we will charge the full search fee.