Hove Park School in East Sussex
After their water-saving audit, Hove Park School in East Sussex is set to save more than 4,000 litres of water every day. This will save thousands of pounds, which can instead be spent on the students.
4,000 litres of water saved daily
Extra 800 litres per day saved from fixing leaks
1,135,000 litres of water saved per year
Water savings
Our water-saving experts visited Hove Park School to carry out a free water-saving audit after the school applied earlier in the year. During their visit they found and fixed three leaks, saving 800 litres of water a day. They then fitted 24 water efficiency devices across the school grounds which will save more than 4,000 litres of water every day the school is open.
Thanks to a few small changes, Hove Park School is set to save more than 1,135,000 litres of water every year, saving thousands of pounds off their water bill, which can now be spent on the students.

Jim Roberts, headteacher at Hove Park School said:
“As a school, we are committed to a sustainable future, for the school and our young people, so we fully welcome this initiative. This free service has reduced the amount of water used in our facilities and we are looking forward to seeing the difference this will make in our bills; initial estimates suggest the savings will be in the thousands of pounds.”
Kimberley Turnbull, Water Efficiency Manager at Southern Water said:
“As part of our commitment to reducing business consumption by 9% before 2037, we’ll be offering Water Saving Audit to schools and businesses across our region. Every year the population of the Southeast grows but the amount of available water remains the same. We’re looking forward to working with other schools and businesses across our region using this approach.”
If your business or organisation would like to apply for a Water Saving Audit please email SouthernWaterNHH@groundwork.org.uk or call 0808 1968711.