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New water-efficient facilities at the Theatre Royal Winchester

The Theatre Royal Winchester is replacing its washroom facilities with more water efficient installations. Using our Business Partnership Fund, the theatre plans to make these improvements to benefit theatregoers and the environment at the same time

  • 3000 litres of water saved per year 3000 litres of water saved per year

Lots of people in and around Winchester visit the theatre to see performances as well as to take part in rehearsals

Soon, local schools, community groups and anyone else using this local amenity, will be able to use the new facilities. It’s hoped the refurbished bathrooms will make the overall audience experience better, while saving water and reducing the theatre’s environmental footprint.   

Refurbishing the facilities will include adapting what’s there to have lower flow rates on wash basin taps and showers, and having new toilets with lower flush volumes and waterless urinals. The calculations about how much water each piece of equipment will use, show that a total of three thousand litres of water a day is expected to be saved compared to the current facilities. It’s not only water – and the energy to heat it – that is being saved. In fact, all the products used in the refurb come with a high standard of environmental credentials, covering their manufacture, waste and carbon intensity.

"We’re very grateful for the funding from Southern Water which will help towards the costs of the water saving equipment and installation. This is a great example of how helping our theatre to be more environmentally sustainable is also going to benefit everyone using and enjoying our theatre."

Deryck Newland, Chief ExecutiveTheatre Royal Winchester


The project, facilitated by Ecoprod, who deliver water efficiency programmes and install water saving products, is a pilot for our new Business Partnership Fund. The Fund welcomes ideas for water saving projects, to support local businesses in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Sussex and Kent.


"We are delighted to have worked with Southern Water and Theatre Royal Winchester to deliver new washrooms for the benefit of theatre goers, the local community, and the environment. We encourage businesses and charities across the South to apply for the grants from Southern Water to improve water efficiency"

Marcus Rose, Managing Director Ecoprod