Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) community fund
We’re looking for community groups and businesses who want to join us by making a positive difference to the local environment with innovative sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) funded by us.
Applications are now closed
Have a look at some of the other grants we offer to businesses and communities.
Applications will open again next autumn.
What are sustainable drainage systems?
Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) are an eco-friendly and sustainable way to create better drainage of rainwater and groundwater in communities.
When it rains, rainwater runs off roofs, roads and hard surfaces into our sewer network and can overwhelm our pipes. When this happens, we may need to use storm overflows to release the water and stop homes and businesses flooding.
By slowing down the flow of rainwater entering our sewer network, you can help reduce storm overflows and make a huge difference to your local community.

Frequently asked questions
During heavy rain, local sewer networks can struggle to cope with the amount of water entering pipes and storage tanks. When they fill up, we use pressure relief valves built into the network, known as storm overflows. These overflows release excess water through outfalls into rivers and the sea to stop homes and businesses from flooding.
The best way to reduce storm overflows is to reduce the amount of rainwater that enters the combined sewer system during heavy rainfall. This is why we’re focussing our efforts on our ‘slow the flow’ initiative, finding innovative new ways to reduce excess rainwater from entering and overwhelming the system.
Sustainable drainage systems are a critical part of this, as they can be used to hold, slow, and redistribute both rainwater and groundwater.
There are lots of different types of sustainable drainage systems, from slow-drain water butts and raingardens to roadside swales and permeable paving. They all help to slow the flow of water into the system, but we need community groups and businesses to all get involved if we’re going to tackle the problem long-term. If every household garden in the UK had a slow-drain water butt, it would manage over 4 billion litres of water every time it rains.
We will contribute, match, or fully fund the projects that we select and that meet our criteria. Once the full amount of funding available has been awarded, we’ll be unable to consider further applications. Southern Water reserves the right to stop the fund at any point. We will update our website to make it clear when all funding has been awarded, if the fund is extended, or if the fund is stopped.
- Your project must slow or remove rainwater run-off from roofs and/or hard surfaces into the combined sewer.
- Total amount of funding applied for must not exceed £3,000 per project. This amount can be part of a match funded project.
- You must be able to provide an end of project report/case study including photos of the installation.
We can fund:
- Purchase or hiring of equipment.
- Building and installation of materials.
- Professional fees (consultants, builders, contractors).
We can't fund:
- Applications submitted from a person under 18-years-old.
- Projects for community groups and businesses that operate outside of the eligible areas.
- Retrospective projects that have already been completed.