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Preventing flooding in Lancing

We've relined the sewer pipe on the West Beach estate in Lancing to reduce the risk of flooding in the area.

  • £2+ million investment £2+ million investment
  • Where: West Way, West Sussex  Where: West Way, West Sussex 
  • Start: Sep 2023  Start: Sep 2023 
  • Completion: Autumn 2025  Completion: Autumn 2025 

What are we doing?

We have relined the sewer and completed the road bays in West Way. The footpaths are 50% completed with the remainder being finished from May 2025. We have had to pause work over winter due to the nature of the work and concerns regarding ground conditions.  

We’re also having to replace the subbase due to its poor condition which is taking more time and additional materials. As this project is a goodwill commitment, we are unable to release any more funds from the business until the next funding cycle in April 2025 due to other customer and regulatory commitments.

Useful information for residents and visitors

All our traffic lights and equipment have been removed. The compound will remain ready for our return in Spring. We’ll contact to everyone in the local area again in Spring 2025 to let you know when we expect to recommence work.


Contact the Capital Projects Customer Team

You can email the Capital Projects Customer Team at They will always get back to you within 5 working days, but usually less. 

Alternatively, you can call us on 0330 3030 368. Just tell us you’re calling about Capital Projects, with Project Reference Number (PRN) 779013 so we can help you more quickly. 

We have completed approximately 50% of the road and pavement work on West Way. The work is taking significantly longer than anticipated due to the subbase under the concrete being weak. It has consistently failed the necessary tests, so we have had to replace it.

What happens next? 

Over the next few weeks, we will be prioritising work on the road bays, to reduce the time that the traffic lights are needed and the effect this has on the community. All the pits and the additional goodwill road bays in West Way will then be complete.

From September 2024, we’re pausing the remaining work.

We are coming back late Spring 2025, to finish our remaining work on the West Beach Estate.  We’re aware of concerns on social media. We are committed to completing the work and we will keep that promise.

We need to pause over winter due to the nature of the work and concerns regarding ground conditions. In addition, the project has spent the allocated budget because it has doubled in cost. We are having to replace the subbase due to its poor condition which is taking more time and additional materials.  

As this project is a goodwill commitment, we are unable to release any more funds from the business until the next funding cycle due to other customer and regulatory commitments. The next funding cycle called AMP8 (Asset Management Plan) starts in April 2025. 

We appreciate the delay is not ideal, but we have had to take this difficult decision to ensure the work is delivered to the right standard. Our site staff will continue to work until the end of August 2024. They deserve the right to work in a safe and abuse free environment. If you have any questions, please direct them to the customer team.

Your Water Matters Customer Event

We’re currently planning a customer and stakeholder event in Lancing over the coming months. You’ll receive more details about the “Your Water Matters” drop in soon. This will give you an opportunity to ask our Southern Water teams and senior leaders any questions about this work and other local topics.

While we’re off site… 

All our traffic lights and equipment will be removed. The compound will remain ready for our return in Spring. We’ll write to everyone again in Spring 2025 to let you know when we expect to recommence work.


Pavement and road reinstatement


Pavement and road reinstatement

What happens next?

Someone from Barhale Customer Team will come to visit you about a week before any work starts outside your property to chat with you, so you know what to expect.  

Anyone who wishes to opt out is still welcome to do so, please ask them to email Denise as soon as possible at Capital Communications

We've started work at the end of West Way

You may have noticed that we have started the pavement and road reinstatement at the end of West Way.

What happens next?

Someone from Barhale Customer Team will come to visit you about a week before any work starts outside your property to chat with you, so you know what to expect. 

Anyone who wishes to opt out is still welcome to do so, please ask them to email Denise as soon as possible at Capital Communications

We've started work in the field where our compound will be. You may have noticed that we have started work on clearing the vegetation where our compound will be.

Our cabins will start to arrive during the week of 22 April 2024.

What happens next?

Barhale and their contractors will be starting work at the end of West Way during the week starting Monday 29 April. 

Someone from Barhale Customer Team will come to visit you about a week before any work starts outside your property to chat with you, so you know what to expect.  

Anyone who wishes to opt out is still welcome to do so, please ask them to email Denise as soon as possible at Capital Communications

New start date for pavement and road work

We’re sorry to share that due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control we have not been able to start work this week as promised.

We are confident these issues will be resolved within the next 2-3 weeks. We are working hard to ensure there will be no further delays. We can confirm the pavement and road reinstatement will definitely still go ahead.

What happens next?

Barhale and their contractors expect to start at the end of West Way, towards the end of Aprilhowever this may be earlier. When we are due to work outside your home, Barhale will communicate with you, so you know what to expect. 

We sincerely apologise for the delay; however, we look forward to Barhale commencing works as soon as it is possible.

We will be starting the road and pavement reinstatement work from Monday 18 March 2024. The welfare cabins and some equipment may start arriving from Monday 11 March. The work will start at the far end of West Way. The programme is due to take about 33 weeks. However, the drying time for concrete is affected significantly by the weather, so it may take longer.

Your Questions Answered

When will you be starting the work?

Work will start during the week commencing Monday 18 March but you may see us setting up the compound and bringing equipment to site the week before.

Where will you be starting the work first?

We will be starting at the most westerly end of West Way, near numbers 122-165.

How do I know when you are starting outside of my property?

We will knock on your door about 5-7 days before we start any work near your home. We have a rolling programme working eastwards from the banjo end of West Way.

How long will the work take?

The programme of work is due to take 33 weeks. However, the curing time for concrete is affected significantly by the weather so it may take longer than this.

What will my new pavement look like?

We will replace the existing pavement with a brand-new concrete one, like for like.  You can see in the picture below, we are going to follow the line of the true footways, so the section in the black box will be the new pavement.

Can I ask Barhale or C. J. Thornes to do some private wok for me?

Sorry, no. The site team have a contract which does not allow them to offer, or accept, private work.

Can I have a dropped kerb?

We will replace like for like. We will not lower kerbs or gully covers.

In an emergency or out of work hours, who do I call?

If you have any problems with the site during the evening, night, or weekends, please call 0330 3030 368 to report it. The capital project email address is only monitored Monday to Friday during office hours.

How will I get in and out of my property if the concrete is wet?

We will put in pedestrian ramps so that you can get to your front door. If you have any questions our site team will be able to help you.

How will I park on my driveway if the concrete is wet?

It is advisable not to drive over the wet concrete for a week. We will let you 5-7 days before we start work when you need to move your car off your driveway. The site team will be able to help you carry things from your car, assist with any deliveries or collections, if you need help when we are working outside your home.

Where can I and my visitors park?

We’ll give you plenty of warning when you will not be able to park on your drive. There will be some space on the road as we are working in 100m sections. Some residents have told us that they will be happy to share their driveways with their neighbours to support the community while we do this work.

How many people will be working outside of my property?

There will be three teams working in various areas.  Most of the vehicles will be parked in the compound. However, there will be some vehicles near the working area, as the first aid kit and some equipment must be kept close by.

How will I get my wheelie bins out or get my deliveries?

When we are working outside your home the site team will help with wheelie bin & deliveries/collections, if you need assistance.

I don’t want my pavement done any more.

You can opt out. Please email Denise at and we will remove you from the list. We must know by Friday 8 March 2024.

I am having some work done at my house which may impact your work, what shall I do?

Please let us know as soon as you can, so we can co-ordinate this with our work.

Will the work be noisy?

There will be some noise when we are removing the existing concrete and creating a bed for the new concrete to lie on. It won’t be noisy all day, every day.

What machinery will they be using to carry out the work?

We anticipate we will be using a 13-ton wheeled excavator with a breaking attachment. In addition, there will be a 9-ton excavator and a 6-ton forward tipping dumper and road saw.

Who is doing the work?

Barhale and their sub-contractors C. J. Thornes.

Where will the compound be?

It will be in the field at the end of West Avenue. There will be welfare facilities for the site team and parking for their vehicles. They will not be parking on your streets, except for one or two vans. This is because the first aid kit must be kept near the workforce. There will be security on site overnight.

We’re pleased to share the news that our new contractors Barhale and their sub-contractors Thornes Civil Engineers, will be starting the road and pavement work in March 2024.

What happens next?

You may have seen us on site with our new contractors. This was so they could take photos and videos of the current condition of the road and pavement.

Our new contractor, Barhale/Thornes have since returned to site to carry out coring work. They have taken about 10 samples of the concrete in the road and some footpath areas.

Update on Surveys

We do not anticipate the work will affect your property in any way. However, we’ll be offering a condition survey to 152 properties identified by specialist consultants who will be closest to our work. The survey will provide homeowners with information on the condition of their property before we start any road or pavement work. It will be carried out by an independent Chartered Building Surveyor.

If you have been identified by the consultants, you will receive a separate letter to explain this by the end of January 2024.

Questions and Answers

We’ll work with Barhale and Thornes to provide you with as much information as to what to expect when we start on site. We’ll send you another letter in February with a question and answer sheet attached.

Flooding and reporting issues

We understand the West Beach Estate has experienced a lot of surface water and volumes of rainfall recently. If you experience any issues with things like your water meter, blockages, smells or any other operational issues please call 0330 303 0368 where the appropriate job can be raised. 

We’re sorry but the Capital Communications team can’t do this for you. It will need to be the person who is experiencing the issue. The call has to be logged in this way so the right person for the job can attend and therefore it can be tracked by our regulators and our business.

Jetting is underway

We’re continuing to make our way through the estate jetting the storm drains, we’ve completed approximately 30%. The work has been influenced by the tides and volume of rain we have recently had and we are working around this.

Please may we ask that you keep the drains clear from any obstructions while we continue the work.

Here are some up to date photos of the work.

Road & Pavement Reinstatement

We’ll be writing to the residents on the West Beach Estate, including the side roads to explain when we’ll start on site. We’ll also include a Question and Answer of what to expect when the work starts in March 2024.


We do not anticipate the work will affect your property in any way. However, we’ll be offering a condition survey of properties identified by the consultants within the zone of influence of the work. It will be carried out by an independent Chartered Building Surveyor.

If you have been identified by the consultants, you will receive a separate letter to explain this by the end of January 2024.

Flooding and reporting issues

We understand the West Beach Estate has experienced a lot of surface water and volumes of rainfall recently. If you experience any issues with things like your water meter, blockages, smells or any other operational issues please call 0330 303 0368 where the appropriate job can be raised. 

We’re sorry but the Capital Communications team can’t do this for you. It will need to be the person who is experiencing the issue. The call has to be logged in this way so the right person for the job can attend and therefore it can be tracked by our regulators and our business.

Next update will be posted at the beginning of January.

Jetting is underway!

We’re making our way through the estate jetting the storm drains.

Please may we ask that you keep the drains clear from any obstructions so we can continue the work.

Here are some photos of the current work:

Reporting any other water or waste issues!

If you are experiencing any issues with things like your water meter, sewage, smells or any other operational issues please call 0330 303 0368 where the appropriate job can be raised.

We’re sorry but the Capital Communications team can’t do this for you. It will need to be the person who is experiencing the issue. The call has to be logged in this way so the right person for the job can attend and therefore it can be tracked by our regulators and our business.

Reinstatement letters to homeowners

On 27 September 2023, Capital Comms team and the Project Manager hand delivered letters to each household explaining what work is going to take place outside of their property.

We are coming back on 10 October 2023 with our Incident Van as a drop-in centre to answer any questions that you may have. We’ll be parked up on the corner of West Way and The Broadway between 10am to 7pm. Please do come and see us!

Reporting any other water or waste issues

If you are experiencing any issues with things like your water meter, sewage, smells or any other operational issues please call 0330 303 0368 where the appropriate job can be raised. 

We’re sorry but the Capital Communications team can’t do this for you. It will need to be the person who is experiencing the issue. The call has to be logged in this way so the right person for the job can attend and therefore it can be tracked by our regulators and our business.

Wastewater Charges

Some customers have contacted us about the reduction in their wastewater charges saying that they still haven’t receive it. We recently moved from six monthly billing to annual billing therefore, your payment may still be pending. This will be deducted off your next bill.

If you have any questions relating to your bill, please speak to our billing team on 0330 303 0368.

You can also sign up to Your Account - Southern Water to provide you access to your account online.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What will the new pavement look like in West Way & Orient Road?

We will replace the existing pavement with a brand new concrete, like for like.

2. Can I have a dropped kerb?

We will replace like for like. If you don’t currently have a dropped kerb, we will not be redesigning the layout to allow for a new dropped kerb.

3. How long will the work take?

The programme of work is due to take 37 weeks. However, the drying time for concrete is affected significantly by the weather so it may take longer.

Concrete cannot be poured in the rain so there may be days when work may not go ahead or have to stop. This could result in a delay to the programme and the works taking longer.

4. How can I get in and out of my home?

The pavements outside your property will be constructed in a way that there will be pedestrian access. We will use footway boards and make necessary arrangements to ensure access.

We will inform you a minimum of 3 days ahead of work being undertaken outside your property. We’ll tell you more details nearer the time.

5. Will my property need surveying?

We do not anticipate the work will affect your property in any way. However, we’ll be offering a condition survey of properties identified by the consultants within the zone of influence of the work. It will be carried out by an independent Chartered Building Surveyor.

If you have been identified by the consultants, you will receive a separate letter to explain this by the end of January 2024.

6. Where will the compound go?

It will be in the field at the end of West Avenue. There will be welfare facilities for the site team and parking for their vehicles.

7. Who will be doing the work?

G J Steeles will be doing the work.

8. I don’t want a new pavement; can I opt out?

Of course, please email by 31st December 2023 and we will remove you from the list.

9. How will the work affect me?

There will be some construction noise. We expect there to be give way signs on West Way and Orient Road to keep everyone safe while the road works are happening. We’ll tell you more details nearer the time.

10. Will you be doing my driveway?

We’re replacing the concrete footpaths, including where they cross in front of a driveway. Like in the photo below. We will not carry our any work on your driveway.

11. Will there be compensation?

On 17th January 2023, Katy Taylor (Chief Customer Officer) met with Chris Drew, Chair of West Beach Residents Association and committed to investing over half a million pounds in your community by replacing all the footpaths along West Way & Orient Road, repairing extra sections of the roads, jetting the drains, and removal of wastewater charges. There will be no further compensation for the whole community.

12. Who can I speak to if I have more questions?

Pop and see us on site between 10am and 7pm, Tuesday 10 October alternatively you can email us at

We're updating you on the road and pavement work

Thank you for your patience. We’re sorry it’s taking time to resolve a number of issues relating to the ownership of the road, the new compound location and logistical matters to do with the programme order.

The work will now start in Spring 2024.

We’ve explained in more detail why this is later in the letter. We’ve listened to your feedback and there is more preparation work that we need to do to minimise your inconvenience when the construction work starts.

Please be reassured no more work is needed to the sewer along West Way and Orient Road, however, earlier this year we backfilled the pits and have provided a temporary road surface. We now need to come back to permanently reinstate the surface and improve the pavements.

If you live on Brighton Road, there is no more work relating to this project that will affect you so this is the last update to you.



What’s happening?

End of August 2023

Start of monthly updates on our website.

Updates will be posted at the end of each month on our website. Your resident’s association will also be posting these on the West Beach Facebook page. This will be monthly until we start work on site, then they will become more regular.

Lancing sewer pipe lining works (

End of September 2023

Hand delivered letter to each household on West Way and Orient Road.

This letter will explain what road and pavement work will happen outside your home. Nicole and Denise from the Capital Projects Customer Team will be available to talk to and we’re come back a couple of weeks later to answer any questions.

Monthly update published on website.

Beginning of October 2023

Tuesday 10th October (TBC)

Capital Projects Customer Team on site with the incident van as a Drop In Centre.

10am to 7pm, we’ll be parked up on the corner of West Way and The Broadway to answer any questions you might have.

We’ll confirm the date in the letter you’ll get in September and remind you via the web updates. (Please note - the van we use is sometimes needed for emergency incidents.)

October – November 2023

Jetting of surface water drains along West Way and Orient Road before the winter rain and before we can carry out the road work.

We’ll let you know when we’re working near you so any cars can be moved.

January/February 2024

Letter to all residents on West Beach estate, including the side roads to explain when we’ll start on site, where the work will start, traffic management, parking and pavement work.

March 2024 (expected date)

Start of permanent road reinstatement and pavement improvement work.


Why is the work starting next year?

1.Based on recent customer feedback, we have taken the decision to delay the start of the road work until Spring next year. We know you might be disappointed by this.

Customers told us, in our recent survey work, that they were concerned about surface water flooding during winter. We know the area is vulnerable to this and that this would increase the concrete curing time. We recognise how frustrating it is when the programme is delayed, or when work has to stop, due to the weather.

2.In addition, customers have told us they are worried about the effect of vibrations (from breaking out the concrete) on their homes. We are working with an external consultant to understand the impact the works may have on the surrounding area. We’ll be offering an internal and external condition survey of properties identified by the consultants within the zone of influence of the work. We’ll carry these out before we start.

3.We don’t want to put the site compound back on the corner of Broadway/Orient Road so we have been looking for a different location. We need to carry out environmental surveys and it is likely that we will need to apply for planning permission. This would not be granted before winter.

Keeping you updated

1.Sign up for email updates

To save you time looking for updates on the web, we can email you the latest information. We’ll do this once a month when the website update is published. Simply send us your name, property address and email address to and we’ll add you to the list. Your data will only be used for this purpose and will not be shared with any third parties.

2.Monthly updates on the web

We’ll update our website and your West Haven facebook page at the end of each month. When we start on site these updates will become more regular.

Lancing sewer pipe lining works (

3.Staff on site

Denise and Nicole from the Capital Projects Customer Team will be on site at the end of September and the beginning of October. Dates and times will be sent to you in the next letter and will be published in the monthly updates.

4. Email us

Email the Capital Projects Customer Team at Please include PRN 779013 in the subject line so your enquiry reaches the right person more quickly. We’ll always respond within 5 working days, but usually less

We would like to thank you for your patience whilst we plan this essential work.