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Improving water quality in Chichester Harbour

We’re investing £20 million to make improvements at our Pagham site by installing new equipment which will improve how wastewater is treated before being released back into the environment.

  • Investment: £20 million Investment: £20 million
  • Where: Pagham, West Sussex Where: Pagham, West Sussex
  • Start: Feb 2023  Start: Feb 2023 
  • Completion: Spring/Summer 2025 Completion: Spring/Summer 2025

What are we doing? 

This work will make sure the treated water being discharged meets the new standards set by the Environment Agency. The upgrade will also mean the wastewater treatment works can treat additional flows from housing developments within the area by increasing treatment capacity.  To do this, new concrete tanks will be installed to provide enhanced treatment and also kiosks, which hold control units and help run the works. There will also be safety features installed to protect those who work at the site.

Useful information for residents and visitors

There will periods where a higher volume of construction traffic will be travelling to and from the site (for example, concrete and steel deliveries) but we will continue manage this to minimise the impact.

 The construction hours will generally fall between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday and we may carry out works between 7:30am to 1pm on Saturday (only if it is necessary).


Contact the Capital Projects Customer Team

You can email the Capital Projects Customer Team at They will always get back to you within 5 working days, but usually less. 

Alternatively, you can call Southern Water on 0330 3030 368. Just tell us you’re calling about Capital Projects, with Project Reference Number (PRN) 789020, so we can help you more quickly.