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Enhancing water quality around Hastings

We’re investing £9.3 million across a number of sites in Hastings and Bexhill-on-Sea, to improve the sewage network and the way it operates. This will improve water quality in the area. 

  • Investment: £9.3 million Investment: £9.3 million
  • Where: Hastings, East Sussex  Where: Hastings, East Sussex 
  • Start: Jan 2023  Start: Jan 2023 
  • Completion: Summer 2025  Completion: Summer 2025 

What are we doing?

This project is soon to be completed. We’ve made a number of upgrades to Galley Hill Pumping Station including a new auto changeover system to increase resilience to our electrical supply to keep our pumps running. We also replaced one of our storm pumps, refurbished the odour control system for the site and modified the control philosophy of our pumps to keep flows going if one of the pumps failed due to blockages etc. 

Our pumping station at Rock-a-Nore has been refurbished. This work involved replacing the control centre and pumps after repair work has been carried out on the roof.  


Contact the Capital Projects Customer Team 

You can email the Capital Projects Customer Team at They will always get back to you within 5 working days, but usually less. 

Alternatively, you can call Southern Water on 0330 3030 368. Just tell us you’re calling about Capital Projects, with Project Reference Number (PRN) 770005, so we can help you more quickly.