What are we doing?
The engineering project, which has now been completed, follows sea damage to the existing outfall and involved installing a much longer pipe in its place. This means any storm overflow releases from this outfall – which only happen rarely, as a last resort to prevent nearby homes and business flooding – are further out to sea and further from local beaches and bathing waters.
As the engineering project came to a close, the team recreated a 100-year old photo taken by one of their grandfathers, showing the original outfall being installed.
The final stage is to reinstate planting along the site boundary, including more than 20 different varieties of trees and shrubs.This project is part of our Clean Rivers and Seas Plan to drastically reduce our use of storm overflows along our coastline.
Contact the Capital Projects Customer Team
You can email the Capital Projects Customer Team at capitalcomms@southernwater.co.uk. They will always get back to you within 5 working days, but usually less.
Alternatively, you can call Southern Water on 0330 3030 368. Just tell us you’re calling about Capital Projects, with Project Reference Number (PRN) 780401 so we can help you more quickly.