What are we doing?
We’re building another storm tank to increase the amount of storm water that can be stored on the site during periods of heavy rainfall to prevent storm overflows and improve the quality of discharges going out to sea. This project will allow us to treat more wastewater and meet future growth in the catchment.
Useful information for residents and visitors
Occasionally, we’ll need to move some stored material that is a by-product of the wastewater treatment process. This can be a bit smelly! We’ll do everything we can to reduce this and try to avoid deliveries being made during school drop-off and pick up times when the roads are already busy.
Our working hours will be 7.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday. We don’t expect to work weekends, but we may need to do so occasionally to get the job done.
In August 2023, preparation work started within the grounds of our existing Wastewater Treatment Works. Construction started in September 2023.
Contact the Capital Projects Customer Team
You can email the Capital Projects Customer Team at capitalcomms@southernwater.co.uk. They will always get back to you within 5 working days, but usually less.
Alternatively, you can call Southern Water on 0330 3030 368. Just tell us you’re calling about Capital Projects, with Project Reference Number (PRN) 751098 so we can help you more quickly.