Turnaround Plan update shows further progress
Southern Water’s short and sharp strategy to boost performance by 2025 is showing continued signs of progress – just over a year since its launch.
Southern Water’s short and sharp strategy to boost performance by 2025 is showing continued signs of progress – just over a year since its launch.
In April 2023, we set out an ambitious Turnaround Plan to deliver a step-change in our performance over two years.
This was enabled by an additional £550 million investment from our shareholders, which followed a £1.1 billion equity investment in 2021 – allowing us to spend £3bn between 2020 and 2025 (£1,500 per household) to improve our network.
It focuses on securing quick improvements in producing a reliable supply of high quality water, protecting the environment, and providing excellent customer service, as well as a number of other areas. Our Executive and Board review progress against it each month.
Over the past six months, improvement highlights include the ongoing fall in internal flooding, external flooding and overall pollution incidents. However, there are also further improvements needed over the next 12 months to hit targets.
To read the full report, visit the Turnaround Plan pages of our website. Our Business Turnaround Plan | Southern Water