Teaching the next generation about the importance of saving water
Last year, Southern Water launched new educational resources for teachers and educational settings, to help teach primary school children about the importance of saving water.
Last year, Southern Water launched new educational resources for teachers and educational settings, to help teach primary school children about the importance of saving water.
As part of the Water Protectors Module, we ran a competition for children to come up with an imaginative story about how they would waste or save water with the classroom activity card game waste or save.
Here's a snipped of the winning animation by Leila and Zia from Hampshire, and check out the full version here
The curriculum-linked NEW WAVE Education Programme includes in-school lessons, workshops and assemblies, as well as outdoor learning in partnership with the South East Rivers Trust. Last year we reached over 30,000 children through our NEW WAVE education resources with these new fantastic modules for everyone to enjoy and learn about the importance of water.
Amy Marshall, Head of Science at the winning primary school said: “We found the Water Story resources thought-provoking, and enjoyed thinking about how every choice we make has consequences. The challenge of writing a story from the set of cards was fun and we enjoyed hearing each other's ideas. It's easy to make simple switches. We're even more aware of the importance of managing water use wisely and significantly reducing the volume which is wasted.”