Southern Water to meet customers in Hastings
Our teams will hold a drop-in event in Hastings this week to discuss water bills, wastewater and other burning issues our customers have in Hastings.
Our teams will hold a drop-in event to discuss water bills, wastewater and other burning issues our customers have in Hastings.
The event will be held at Stade Hall, Rock-a-Nore Road, Hastings, on Thursday 12 October from 11am to 7pm.
This will give us the chance to talk to visitors about ongoing Southern Water activity in the Hastings area, including:
- Investigations into private pipes in the Alexandra Park area which have been incorrectly connected into the network – more details about these can be found here
- Repairs to a recent burst sewer at Bulverhythe
- Progress on the £5m programme to re-line sewers at Bulverhythe.
We will have teams from every area of the business in attendance, including from our Clean Rivers and Seas Task Force who will be able to update the community about efforts to reduce storm overflow activity in the local area, and our customer team who can offer support and advice on bills.
Attendees will also be able to talk to us about any remaining concerns following the loss of water supply incident earlier this year which affected many customers, and find out about what we are doing to make sure there is resilience moving forward.
Customers can also talk to us about our proposed Business Plan (Price Review 24) for the 2025-30 regulatory period. Our proposal could create up to 5,000 jobs and will invest £7.8bn and double the amount of support we provide to our most vulnerable customers.
Chief Customer Officer, Katy Taylor, said:
“Our performance in Hastings over the last two years has not been good enough. It’s important that we understand the impact this is having on our customers and community. We are here to listen to the community and be open and honest about what went wrong and how we are improving our services moving forward. We need to understand if the actions we are taking will solve our customers’ issues.
“We are really stepping up our efforts in the local area, and are keen to work closer with our stakeholders, especially those at Hastings Borough Council. We cannot achieve the change we need alone, and need to work in partnership with local councils and stakeholders to deliver the change our customers’ want.”
The teams who will be on hand to speak to customers and have stalls include the following:
- Our water supply and water network team
- Our wastewater assets and wastewater network team
- Our Clean Rivers and Seas Task Force
- Our Fat, Greases and Oil (FOG) team
- Our misconnections team
- Your chance to hear about our PR24 plans for 2025 to 2030 - further details are here
- Our Cinque Ports sewer repair works
- Our planning and growth teams
- Affordability and customer services
- Community and stakeholder team