Loss of supply - Southampton - Stoneham Lane
We’re sorry that a burst water main at Stoneham Lane in Southampton has affected customers in the SO16 and SO17 areas of Southampton.
We’re sorry that a burst water main at Stoneham Lane in Southampton is still affecting some customers in the SO16 and SO17 areas.
Repairing and isolating the burst is taking longer than expected. We are doing everything we can to make sure people are back in supply today.
Stoneham Lane will remain closed, near the junction with Channels Farm Road, while the area is made safe.
UPDATE: 2.15pm
We’re sorry for the distress and inconvenience caused by a burst water main at Stoneham Lane, Southampton.
Following isolation of the burst and a network recharge most of our customers in the SO16 and SO17 are now back into supply.
We are continuing repairs on the burst and hope to repair it as quickly as possible. Stoneham Lane remains closed near the junction with Channels Farm Road, while the area is made safe.
Some customers may still experience low pressure or discolouration to their water. This is common during repair works and should clear after running taps for a few minutes.