Broadstairs Bistro bucks blockage trend as Southern Water Day of Action reaches Kent
44,500 blockages in Kent in the last five years A Broadstairs Bistro is leading the way in the fight against fatbergs by installing a special system that gets rid of fat, oil and grease (FOG) – without risking a bank-breaking blockage.
44,500 blockages in Kent in the last five years
A Broadstairs Bistro is leading the way in the fight against fatbergs by installing a special system that gets rid of fat, oil and grease (FOG) – without risking a bank-breaking blockage.
In Kent alone, the number of blockages caused by flushing fat, oil and grease, plus other ‘unflushable’ items like wetwipes and plastics, down drains and plugholes was 44,500 over the last five years.
These blockages can then lead to wastewater flooding of the local environment and people’s homes and businesses.
Southern Water’s FOG experts carried out a Day Of Action in Broadstairs on Tuesday 9 July, with team members speaking to both shoppers and food businesses about the importance of taking extra care with what goes down the kitchen sink and sewer blockages.
Warren Roe and Christian Miles are the Owners of The Jetty Bistro.
Warren said: “We want to do the right thing and as a responsible business we have a duty of care to look after our environment as much as we can.
“We wanted to employ a local company, GreaseTech in Whitstable, to install our grease management equipment and we couldn’t be happier with the results. This project is part of our wider business plan to invest and grow as a business.”
Steve Edwards, Business Development Executive at GreaseTech, added:
“We were delighted that The Jetty Bistro chose us to install their grease management equipment. We work closely with some of the UK’s top restaurants, pubs and hotels, and use our experience and expertise to supply our high-end grease management solutions.”
Steve Williams, Network Protection Enforcement Manager at Southern Water, said:
“Sewer blockages can result in devastating flooding to the environment, businesses and homes. It was great for our FOG team to share some critical advice with customers and businesses about how we can keep our network flowing, while supporting people with their water use.”
Top Tips
Around 66 per cent of blockages are preventable. FOG should never go down the drain. Instead:
allow FOG to cool in containers, then put them in the bin
flush only the three Ps down the loo – pee, paper and poo.
Nappies, baby wipes, tampons, sanitary towels, panty liners, colostomy bags and condoms should be bagged and binned.
Cleansing wipes, ear buds, dental floss, plastic razors and cotton pads should all go in the bin, not down the loo.