Amsterdam Way to Cinque Ports Way, Hastings
Tankers will be operating around our Cinque Ports pumping station for one more night – but the good news is this will enable us to start using our newly lined sewer two weeks early.
Update 12 February
As you are aware, we have been carrying out planned work concerning the Cinque Ports rising main sewer that has involved turning off the Cinque Ports Wastewater Pumping Station since Tuesday. This has needed around 56 tankers to be in the area while we take wastewater to other sites.
We have now permanently diverted the wastewater flows from the old sewer into the new partially completed pipeline route. This is a major milestone as we move towards the end of this £8 million scheme to address the issues that local residents have experienced in recent years with recurring bursts.
Our tankering activity is now complete and we expect to have all equipment that was used for the 3 day planned shut removed from the area by the end of next week.
We would like to thank you for your patience while we conclude this section of the work.
Update 09 February
Tankers will be operating around our Cinque Ports pumping station for one more night – but the good news is this will enable us to start using our newly lined sewer two weeks early.
With concrete curing faster than expected due to mild weather, engineers believe that using tankers to manage flows for one extra night will allow the switch to the new system to take place.
While the final work was done, we’ve had to switch off Cinque Ports Pumping Station for meaning 56 tankers have been carrying away all the wastewater for safe treatment.