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Join our Priority Service Register

Our Priority Services Register is a confidential register for customers who have individual needs, such as disabilities, illnesses or other requirements.


How it works

Joining the Priority Services Register means our employees know about any special circumstances or needs you may have. It also helps us prioritise vulnerable customers when there's an incident such as a burst main.

To apply to the register, you can use the application form below. It should only take a few minutes to complete. Before you begin, make sure you've got:

  • Your name and address
  • Your payment reference number. This will be the 13-digit number in the top right corner of your bill

Alternatively, you can phone us for free on 0800 027 0800 from 9am–5pm, Monday to Friday.

If you wish to see this form in a different language or change the accessibility options please turn on the Recite Me tool. 

Step 1: Your contact details

Please add your name, address and contact number here.

Step 2: Your needs

So that we can be as helpful as possible, please tell us which of the following apply to you. Please be assured that any information you give us will be treated in the strictest confidence. Only relevant team members will have access to your details.

Step 3: What services would you like?

Please select which services you would like to receive. You can select as many as you need.

1. Your contact details
2. Your needs
3. What services would you like?

Your contact details

Please add your name, address and contact number here.

Your needs

So that we can be as helpful as possible, please tell us which of the following apply to you. Please be assured that any information you give us will be treated in the strictest confidence. Only relevant team members will have access to your details.

What services would you like?

Please select which services you would like to receive. You can select as many as you need.

Priority Services Register

This can be found at the top-right of your bill.

Priority Services Register

Please let us know what language you communicate in.

Please supply additional relevant information

Priority Services Register

(tick as many boxes as you need to)

Did you find the information you are looking for?

Thank you for your feedback. We’re glad you found this information useful!
We're sorry to hear that. Please tell us a bit more by ticking any of the boxes below that apply.
Page feedback form