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Essentials Tariff Renewal Declaration

The renewal of your entitlement to our Essentials tariff is now due. You can let us know if you are still eligible to receive a discount by using the form on this page.


When to use this form

You would have received a notification asking you to renew your entitlement to our Essentials tariff. You can let us know if you are still eligible to receive a discount by using the form below. 

To complete this form you will need

  • Your name and address
  • Your customer number (The 8 to 10 digit number found in the top right corner of your bill)
  • Your household income (If your circumstances have changed only)

Alternatively, you can phone us for free on 0330 303 0277 from 8am-7pm, Monday to Friday, or 8.30am-2pm on Saturdays.

If you wish to see this form in a different language or change the accessibility options please turn on the Accessibility tools found in the top navigation bar.

Step 1: Your contact details

Please add your name, address and contact number here.

Step 2: Change in circumstances

PLEASE ONLY COMPLETE IF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES HAVE CHANGED since your last renewal/application, please complete the fields below where applicable

Step 3: Declaration

Please complete the declaration to complete the form

1. Your contact details
2. Change in circumstances
3. Declaration

Your contact details

Please add your name, address and contact number here.

Change in circumstances

PLEASE ONLY COMPLETE IF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES HAVE CHANGED since your last renewal/application, please complete the fields below where applicable


Please complete the declaration to complete the form

Essentials Tariff Renewal Declaration

This can be found in the top right corner of your bill and is 10 digitals long.

Essentials Tariff Renewal Declaration

Please add month OR yearly amount

Please add month OR yearly amount

Please add month OR yearly amount

Please add month OR yearly amount

Please add month OR yearly amount

Please add month OR yearly amount

Essentials Tariff Renewal Declaration

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