Our Annual Performance Report
Here you can view or download our latest Annual Performance Report. It includes both our financial and non-financial performance.
Report overview
This report sets out the performance in 2023–24 of Southern Water’s regulated business, as defined under our Licence (the licence to operate as a water and sewerage undertaker). This is both in financial terms and against our outcome and performance commitments.
We have 47 performance commitments, agreed as part of the price review process, that we report on annually. Overall, we have seen a significant improvement to our performance in comparison to 2022-23, but we have still fallen short on some of the very challenging performance targets that Ofwat set within its Final Determination (the basis on which our plan for 2020–25 was approved). We have set out how we intend to improve our performance in our Turnaround Plan.
Statistics from the annual performance report
Despite setbacks in some areas, we've also seen small improvements in performance across a large number of areas over the past year.
Statistics from the annual performance report
Despite setbacks in some areas, we've also seen small improvements in performance across a large number of areas over the past year.
We reduced our compliance risk index by 52%
The number of water and wastewater works not meeting their discharge permit requirements was reduced from six to two.
Over the year, we reduced external sewer flooding by 13%
Our mains repairs performance improved by 21%

Lawrence Gosden, Chief Executive Officer.
"Our Turnaround Plan will deliver a short sharp ambitious improvement by 2025, particularly in terms of our environmental performance. It includes four clear outcomes that we’re promising to deliver, improving our service to customers and the environment."

Keith Lough, Chair
"Our vision is to create a resilient water future for our customers in the South East. We now want to share what this means and what we’re planning to achieve."

Key takeaways
We are committed to doing better for our customers and the environment and met or exceeded 16 of our 47 performance commitments compared to 15 in 2022–23. We also improved on 25 of the remaining 31.
Our performance highlights include the ongoing reduction of external flooding and our best ever outcomes for water quality compliance (CRI), treatment works compliance, and pollutions as a result of the actions outlined in our Turnaround Plan. We know that we are still falling short of the improvements needed and continue to focus on delivering better outcomes for customers across our region. Our updated Turnaround Plan and service commitment plans set out how we will do this alongside our Business Plan proposals for 2025 and beyond.