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Tapwater filling up a glass

My water looks, smells, or tastes unusual

A difference in taste or smell can sometimes be due to the chemical make up of your water, which varies across the country. Discolouration, such as brown water in your area, can also occur and it's usually nothing to worry about. Use the dropdown menu below to help identify and resolve your issue.


How would you best describe your water?

What do we do to maintain water quality?

As well as making sure water is wholesome, water companies also have to consider if drinking water is acceptable to consumers in terms of its appearance, taste and smell to meet the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations.

Your water goes through a complex treatment process before it reaches your taps. We also regularly take samples of drinking water at our water supply works, service reservoirs and customer taps.

We analyse hundreds of thousands of samples each year to comply with the water quality standards. If any of our works may affect quality, for example repairing a burst supply pipe, we'll always carry out checks to make sure the water hasn't been affected.

Two children drinking water

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