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How to save water in your garden

We've compiled some simple changes you can make to the way you look after your garden to help save water.


Why it's important to save water

We all love beautiful, thriving gardens. However, there are ways that we can garden more responsibly to save water and protect our environment.

As our climate continues to change, taking steps now will help make sure that we have enough to go around in the future. Thankfully, saving water in your garden can be simple.

Reducing the use of storm overflows

Storm overflows are built into our network to prevent sewers from becoming overwhelmed during periods of heavy rainfall, which can cause flooding of homes and businesses.

The most effective way to reduce our reliance on storm overflows is to reduce the amount of rainwater entering the sewers. While our Clean Rivers and Seas Task Force is working hard to achieve this, you can also help out at home.

Two people stood in a garden next to a water butt with a watering can on the top

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