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Our complaints procedure

We never like to hear that we’ve let a customer down and always want you to get in touch to let us know what’s happened. The quickest and simplest way for us to resolve your complaint is to call us or message us on webchat. We’ll try our hardest to sort your problem when you first make contact.


What happens when I call you?

Step 1: Talk to us

We'll listen to the problem and do our best to resolve your complaint there and then.

Step 2: Investigation

We'll find the cause of the problem to see what can be done to help and try to find the best solution possible.

Step 3: Escalate your complaint

If you are not happy with the solution proposed, you can ask for your complaint to be escalated. Your dedicated escalations advisor will handle your complaint from this point onwards, working with you to find a suitable resolution.

Step 4: We’ll offer a solution or explain why we can’t

We'll do everything we can to try and resolve your complaint, some things however are outside of our control. If we can't resolve the issue to your satisfaction, we'll fully explain why.

Step 5: Raise a formal complaint

If you're still unhappy you can inform your escalations advisor that you would like to raise a formal complaint.

What happens when I write to you?

Step 1:

Once we receive your complaint, we’ll look into the details and investigate the cause of the problem.

Step 2:

We'll give you a call to ensure we understand your issue fully and try to resolve things over the phone.

Step 3:

If we can’t get hold of you, we’ll send you a written reply within 10 working days. Our reply will include a phone number and the name of the person dealing with your complaint should you wish to discuss any aspect of our response.

Step 4:

If you’re unhappy with the outcome of your complaint and write to us again, your complaint will be reviewed by one of our Complaints Specialists.

Step 5:

We'll do all we can to resolve your issue, but if you’re still unhappy, you can ask for an independent review from the Consumer Council for Water (CCW) – the voice for water consumers. CCW is an independent body set up to ensure the customer’s voice is heard and they will investigate customer complaints relating to our business.