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Our policy on the environment

Here you can read or download our full policy on the environment, which sets out our plans for protecting the environment in the years ahead.

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1. Introduction

Our vision is clear. We want to create a resilient future for all our customers in the South East. The environment, and our role in protecting and enhancing it, are at the heart of this.

We will develop and deliver this Environmental policy with the aim of continually improving our environmental management to enhance our performance in line with customer and stakeholder expectations.

All employees share the responsibility for environmental management and performance. 

April 2022
Version 11

2. What we will do:

  • Reflect the needs and views of our customers and stakeholders in developing and delivering this policy. 
  • Conform to our compliance obligations by meeting or exceeding the environmental requirements of legislation, regulation and our adopted standards.
  • Prevent pollution, eliminate serious pollution incidents and contain the environmental impact of our activities.
  • Provide sustainable and reliable services that minimise emissions, taking into account the opportunities to mitigate and offset the impact of climate change. 
  • Be a good and trusted neighbour and be a steward for the environment wherever we operate. 
  • Incorporate sustainable development principles to balance economic, environmental and social aspects in our business decisions. 
  • Embed natural capital into our decision making to ensure we are making best value decisions that deliver public value. 
  • Deliver nature-based solutions and environmental net-gain, contributing to the recovery of nature. 
  • Improve biodiversity within our landholdings and wider area through the implementation of the aims within our Biodiversity Policy.
  • Reduce the procurement of plastics within our business processes through the implementation of the aims within our Plastics Policy. Our policy on the Environment
  • Reduce carbon emissions through implementation of the aims within our embedded Carbon Policy. 
  • Promote the purchase and use of materials in a way that minimises potential environmental effects. 
  • Minimise waste by first considering prevention, then preparation for re-use, recycling and finally recovery.
  • Embed an environmental mindset across the business to ensure we have the skills, knowledge and plans to improve our environmental performance. 
  • Deliver assets that maintain sound environmental performance, protecting biodiversity and natural ecosystems during asset delivery. 
  • Continually improve our performance by maintaining our Environmental Management System to the ISO 14001 standard.
  • Ensure we meet or exceed environmental performance reporting requirements. 
  • Engage and collaborate with our stakeholders to achieve our vision.