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Our policy on donations and sponsorship

This guidance helps us to select causes that closely align with our values and help us make a real positive difference in our region.

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1. Introduction

We like to help the communities we serve and happily receive requests every year for donations, sponsorship and support from organisations, community groups and individuals.

However, the sheer volume of requests means we rely on our community engagement strategy to help us select the causes that most closely match our company values.

This allows us to focus our attention on a few projects close to our heart where we believe we can make a significant difference, rather than scattering resources too thinly.

2. Charitable support

We support one main beneficiary as our company charity with a two-year fundraising partnership. Any charity can apply with the winner being chosen by our employees.

We also have four annual charity grants which are awarded to charities for a specific, agreed project. The charities are chosen by our employees – one each for Hampshire, Kent, Sussex and the Isle of Wight.

3. Community grants

Some of our capital schemes and operational areas offer small, one-off grants of up to £1,000.

Charities and community groups within a specific area are eligible to apply.

The grant allocation is decided by a panel which includes local stakeholders who help ensure the money goes to communities directly affected by our operations.

The community grants scheme welcomes applications that:

  • improve the environment
  • promote healthy lifestyles
  • offer education and opportunities
  • are from not-for-profit organisations, charities, groups, schools or communities
  • benefit communities as opposed to individuals
  • are non-party political
  • have no religious or racial bias.