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Guide to DWMP pages

The pages within this DWMP microsite present our Drainage and Wastewater Management Plan (DWMP). They are full of information on how we will manage wastewater in our region. Because we want you to be able to find what you are looking for, we have created these documents to help guide you through this part of the website.


Useful documents

The first is our “Guide to the structure and content of our DWMP.” This explains the structure and content of our DWMP microsite. It has lots of links inside the document that will take you to the information you may be looking for.

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The second we call our “Regulatory Alignment Summary.” We have developed our DWMP to meet the requirements set out in Defra’s guiding principles using the national guidance for DWMPs published by WaterUK. Both these guidance documents set out a number of requirements for our DWMP. Our “Regulatory Alignment Summary” records these expectations and identifies exactly how and where we have addressed them in our DWMP.

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